How to Get a Better Job?

For many people, improving their career prospects or starting a new business is not an easy feat. However, with the right advice and direction – it can be made a lot easier.

In our latest Business Leaders episode, ProfileTree CEO Ciaran Connolly speaks to career specialist Mark McCracken, about entrepreneurship, employment opportunities and much more.

Mark is the Creative Lead of Honest Inspiration, and the Managing Consultant of ThinkCV. As he juggles these two major job roles – Mark sure knows a thing or two about bagging a dream job.

If you are thinking about going out on your own in the business world – look no further than this Business Leaders interview.

Want a better Job with Mark McCracken
Entrepreneur career advice from mark mccracken

Mark’s Journey to a Better Job and Better Life

In the interview, Mark explains that he uses his two businesses, Honest Inspiration and ThinkCV, respectively to “help people get better jobs, and to inspire people to get better jobs and live a better life”.

“ThinkCV was a business I started in 2016. Really what that job is about is helping people get better jobs. We do that through CV writing, coaching, and we’ve dipped into recruitment as well.”

Honest Inspiration is an event where speakers gather to collectively share their career journeys and give advice on employment.

“It’s extremely interesting because we really didn’t see it coming, and is so different from my main day job. It started as an idea last Christmas and we already have a full 2019 planned.

“It’s an avenue to inspire people to follow their passion, if they have an idea in business or a hobby or a career or even just want to be a certain type of person.

“We’ve had people on board to share their story of how they have overcome things or walked through journeys or started a business or went this way in their career. At the start of it I wanted to hear their stories myself, and I figured that other people would too. It’s been amazing.”

He outlined that the services of the two companies “all relate well to one another” and “have been a natural progression”.

Mark McCracken speaking photo - How to Get a Better Job?
Honest Inspiration is an event where people exchange career journeys to inspire and motivate others. Image credit:

Lessons on Entrepreneurship

Starting up two companies can’t be easy, but with hardships and hard work, comes many rewards, like success.

“It has taken a lot of learning. Maybe a lot of things haven’t worked out well, and maybe I have fallen out with clients based on something I’ve done, that I’ve had to say sorry for and learn from.

“Thankfully three years on we’re reasonably well-established and it is going okay.”
Mark referred to the business start-up journey as needing one key thing from an entrepreneur to be a success.

“You think you’re going to go one way, then it goes another way, then you take a shortcut, then you go back a bit…I think you have to be adaptable, regardless of what you do in business.”

Sometimes, that can be easier said than done. As Mark insights, becoming adaptable is something that comes with time.

“I think the biggest misconception I had was to think it would take less time than it did to get established – I thought maybe three to six months and I’d be flying. But with establishing any real business or brand, mastering your image and even what you say…it took me over two years to do that – even to work out myself what I was offering.

“I think with any business, as you go on, you refine your products, you refine your service and you refine yourself. It has been a really interesting journey.”

How to Get a Better Job?
Mark provides insights into the diverse skills and qualities needed for entrepreneurship. Image credit: African Development Bank

Mark’s Advice on Starting Out

Having been through it himself, Mark imparts some business start-up advice he, in hindsight, would consider to be start-up essentials.

“There are a few things that have helped me massively. The first one relates to your environment: you need to have the right people around you…with the same values and ambitions, who will reflect on you.

“I think you have to believe in yourself, and for a lot of people that is easier said than done. That’s been a journey for me too…and I would say that has taken me three years, to improve on my own beliefs and mindset.

“I keep a screenshot of my bank account on my phone from the early days, I think it was 34p. And I always think ‘you got through that, you made that work’ and hopefully not go back there!”

Where being an entrepreneur requires consistent motivation, Mark says it is a journey, and it is okay to not always feel on top of your game.

“Be resilient because in my first 10 months, I was on NI Jobs looking for something else – I wanted to quit. Which is okay, it is okay to have doubts, but you have to push past that.

“It is all about being willing to work hard, those crazy hours – it is just part of the game. But there’s this perceived thing that you have to work 24/7 – you need to remember to take time off. There’s only so often you can constantly work. While you might feel a bit guilty, it isn’t healthy – so make sure to take time for you.”

To learn more insights on startups, entrepreneurship and advice on boosting your career, watch our full Business Leaders interview.

You can also find Mark McCracken via LinkedIn if you want to reach him directly.

How to Get a Better Job? Unlocking Your Hidden Potential

Before embarking on the exciting journey of landing your dream job, taking a step back for self-assessment is crucial. Think of it as building your career launchpad: understanding your strengths, passions, and transferable skills allows you to aim for jobs that perfectly align with your true potential. Here’s how to navigate this personal inventory process:

1. Exploring Your Inner Compass:

  • Personality Tests: Tools like Myers-Briggs or DISC can shed light on your working style, communication preferences, and decision-making tendencies. This self-awareness helps you identify environments where you’ll thrive and contribute most effectively.
  • Values Assessment: What drives you? Are you passionate about innovation, helping others, or tackling complex challenges? Identifying your core values guides you towards roles and companies that resonate with your personal ethics and aspirations.
  • Career Exploration Resources: Websites like O*NET OnLine or CareerOneStop offer insightful assessments and information on various career paths. Explore different industries, research job profiles, and gain a wider perspective on your potential career trajectory.

2. Inventorying Your Skillset:

  • Skills Audit: List your technical and soft skills gained through past experiences, including education, volunteer work, and even hobbies. Don’t underestimate transferable skills like communication, teamwork, problem-solving, or leadership – they’re often highly sought-after across diverse industries.
  • Quantify Your Achievements: Turn accomplishments into tangible metrics. Did you increase sales by 15% in your previous role? Did you lead a team that successfully launched a new project? Highlighting the impact of your skills adds weight to your resume and showcases your potential value to future employers.
  • Consider Hidden Gems: Don’t forget skills developed outside of traditional work settings. Are you fluent in multiple languages? Are you a coding whiz or a graphic design guru? These unique talents can set you apart in a competitive job market.

3. Unearthing Transferable Treasures:

  • Look Beyond Job Titles: Analyze your past roles and identify transferable skills that apply to your desired career path. Did you manage budgets in your old job? That analytical and financial acumen can be valuable in a marketing or finance role.
  • Adaptability is Key: Focus on highlighting your ability to learn new skills and adapt to different environments. Showcase instances where you tackled unfamiliar tasks or projects, demonstrating your eagerness to grow and expand your skillset.
  • Think Outside the Box: Consider creative applications of your transferable skills. Maybe your experience in event planning translates well to project management, or your writing skills from a freelance gig can be leveraged in a content marketing role.

Networking and Building Connections: Weaving Your Success Web

Forget the lonely, online job hunt of yesteryear. The key to unlocking your dream job often lies not in endless applications, but in building a powerful network of connections. Just like a spider patiently weaving its web, strategic networking allows you to cast your net wide, land on promising opportunities, and gain invaluable support along the way.

Why Network? It’s Not Just About Who You Know:

It’s true that a strong network can open doors to hidden positions, introduce you to key decision-makers, and even land you a referral that boosts your application to the top. But networking goes beyond mere access. It’s about building mutually beneficial relationships, learning from industry experts, and gaining insights that put you ahead of the competition.

Building Your Web: Online and Offline Strategies:

  • Industry Events: Attend conferences, workshops, and meetups related to your field. Strike up conversations, participate in discussions, and connect with individuals on LinkedIn or exchange business cards. Remember, genuine interest and insightful contributions make a lasting impression.
  • LinkedIn Powerhouse: Optimize your profile, join relevant groups, and engage in discussions. Connect with professionals in your desired field, reach out to alumni, and follow companies you’re interested in. Don’t be afraid to send personalized messages expressing your interest and requesting informational interviews.
  • Seek Referrals: Unleash the power of your existing network. Ask colleagues, friends, or mentors for referrals to companies or specific individuals. Their trusted recommendations can give you a significant edge over other applicants.
  • Volunteer Opportunities: Giving back is a great way to expand your network while making a positive impact. Contribute your skills to non-profit organizations or industry initiatives, and connect with fellow volunteers who share your values and interests.

Making Connections Go Beyond Handshakes:

  • Genuine Interest is Key: Networking isn’t a transactional game. Focus on building genuine connections, actively listen to others, and ask thoughtful questions. Show genuine interest in their work and experiences, and find common ground to build rapport.
  • Offer Value, Not Just Requests: Networking is a two-way street. Be prepared to offer your skills, insights, or assistance whenever possible. Share valuable resources, provide introductions, or connect others within your network.
  • Follow Up is Crucial: Don’t let connections fade after an initial interaction. Follow up with thank-you emails, LinkedIn messages, or even handwritten notes. Stay in touch, share updates on your job search, and offer continued support to those who helped you.

Remember, networking is a marathon, not a sprint. Building meaningful connections takes time, effort, and genuine interaction. By strategically leveraging online and offline platforms, focusing on creating value, and nurturing relationships, you can weave a powerful network that propels you towards your dream job and beyond.

Beyond the Boards: Unleashing Your Job Search Arsenal

Tired of scrolling through endless online job boards with diminishing returns? It’s time to break free and unleash your full job search potential with a diverse arsenal of strategies that go beyond the usual suspects. Remember, the most fulfilling opportunities often hide in plain sight, waiting to be discovered by proactive and resourceful job seekers like you.

Step Off the Beaten Path:

  • Direct Company Contact: Research your target companies, identify key decision-makers, and craft personalized emails expressing your interest and qualifications. This proactive approach demonstrates initiative and sets you apart from passive applicants.
  • Leverage Your Network: Utilize the power of your existing connections! Inform friends, family, and former colleagues about your job search. Seek referrals, ask for informational interviews, and tap into their networks for hidden opportunities.
  • Job Fairs and Events: Attend industry conferences, career fairs, and networking events relevant to your field. Connect with recruiters, company representatives, and potential mentors. Remember, face-to-face interactions leave a lasting impression and can lead to unexpected opportunities.
  • Professional Communities: Join online forums, Facebook groups, or LinkedIn communities related to your desired industry. Engage in discussions, share insights, and build relationships with fellow professionals. These communities can offer valuable job alerts, industry news, and potential leads.

Target Like a Laser:

  • Deconstruct the Job Description: Don’t just read; analyze the job description. Identify keywords, required skills, and desired experiences. Tailor your resume and cover letter to showcase how your unique qualifications directly address these needs.
  • Highlight Achievements, Not Duties: Focus on impactful accomplishments from your past roles. Quantify your achievements to showcase your contributions and the value you can bring to the company. Use strong action verbs and specific examples to demonstrate your expertise.
  • Customize Your Resume for Each Role: Ditch the one-size-fits-all approach! Revise your resume for each specific job, highlighting relevant skills and experiences mentioned in the description. This targeted approach increases your chances of landing an interview by demonstrating your suitability for the specific position.
  • Craft a Compelling Cover Letter: Don’t underestimate the power of a personalized cover letter. Express your genuine interest in the company and the specific role. Go beyond the generic and highlight specific aspects of the job description that resonate with you and your skillset.

Beyond the Resume and Interview: Unveiling Your Hidden Brilliance

The resume and interview are crucial, but in today’s competitive job market, truly standing out requires going beyond the expected. It’s time to unleash your hidden brilliance and showcase your skills, passion, and potential in ways that traditional elements simply can’t capture. Dive into this arsenal of unconventional strategies to make your job search truly shine:

Building Your Portfolio:

  • Craft a Visual Showcase: Create a portfolio website or online platform that visually displays your work. Designers can showcase their projects, writers can share published articles, and developers can demonstrate their code contributions. This tangible evidence of your skills speaks volumes beyond a resume bullet point.
  • Curate and Edit: Don’t just throw everything in the mix. Choose the work that best represents your abilities and current career aspirations. Edit and update your portfolio regularly to stay relevant and showcase your growth.
  • Beyond Traditional Work: Think outside the box! If you haven’t had opportunities in your desired field, create personal projects, contribute to open-source initiatives, or volunteer your skills to non-profit organizations. This demonstrates initiative, passion, and transferable skills.

Personal Branding: Shaping Your Narrative:

  • Define Your Expertise: What makes you unique? What specific value do you bring to the table? Craft a clear elevator pitch that succinctly tells your story and positions you as a valuable asset in your chosen field.
  • Master the Digital Space: Optimize your online presence, including LinkedIn, personal websites, and social media profiles. Make sure your professional brand is consistent across platforms and conveys your expertise and value proposition.
  • Engage and Contribute: Share insightful content, participate in online discussions, and connect with thought leaders in your field. Building an online presence as a knowledgeable and engaged individual establishes your credibility and attracts attention from potential employers.

Demonstrating Expertise Through Action:

  • The Power of Blogging: Start a blog or contribute to existing platforms related to your field. Regularly sharing your insights, knowledge, and perspectives establishes you as an expert and allows you to connect with a wider audience.
  • Volunteer Your Skills: Contributing your skills to non-profit organizations or community initiatives is a win-win. You gain valuable experience while showcasing your expertise and commitment to social good. This can catch the eye of potential employers who value individuals with a broader impact mindset.
  • Open Source Collaboration: Participating in open-source projects allows you to collaborate with other developers, gain valuable experience, and demonstrate your coding skills in a real-world setting. This collaborative environment can lead to recognition and potential networking opportunities.

Managing the Job Search Journey: Navigating Ups, Downs, and Triumphs

Let’s be honest, the job search isn’t all polished resumes and celebratory interviews. It’s a journey with twists, turns, and moments of doubt. But fear not, fellow adventurer! Here’s your essential guide to navigating the emotional terrain and emerging victorious:

Acknowledging the Rollercoaster:

  • Rejection is Not Reflection: Remember, a “no” is not a judgment on your value or worth. It’s often a matter of timing, company fit, or simply a perfect candidate who beat you to the punch. Don’t let rejections define you; learn from them and move on with resilience.
  • Celebrate Small Wins: Landing an interview, connecting with a recruiter, or even crafting a killer cover letter – these are victories too! Take time to acknowledge these steps forward and fuel your motivation to keep exploring.
  • Emotional Fluctuations are Normal: Feeling discouraged, frustrated, or even exhilarated are all natural. Allow yourself to express these emotions, but don’t let them control you. Talk to a supportive friend, engage in self-care, and remember that this too shall pass.

Staying Motivated and Positive:

  • Set Realistic Goals: Break down your job search into manageable steps with achievable goals. Track your progress, celebrate milestones, and avoid comparing your journey to others’. This keeps you focused and motivated on your own path.
  • Build a Support System: Surround yourself with positive and encouraging people who believe in you. Lean on their support, share your challenges, and let them fuel your determination.
  • Focus on Personal Growth: Use the job search as an opportunity to upskill! Take online courses, attend workshops, read industry publications, and network with professionals. Investing in yourself keeps you engaged and expands your potential.

Prioritizing Self-Care and Balance:

  • Don’t Neglect Your Well-being: Job hunting can be emotionally draining. Schedule time for activities you enjoy, exercise regularly, get enough sleep, and prioritize healthy eating. A balanced and nourished you is a stronger job seeker.
  • Maintain Healthy Boundaries: Set clear boundaries between job search time and personal time. Disconnect from technology, resist the urge to constantly check job boards, and allow yourself to relax and recharge. This prevents burnout and keeps you fresh for your search.
  • Embrace Life Beyond the Job Hunt: Don’t put your life on hold! Spend time with loved ones, pursue hobbies, and nurture your passions. A fulfilling life outside of work strengthens your resilience and fuels your overall well-being.

FAQ: Demystifying Your Job Search Journey

Q: How can I overcome feelings of rejection during the job search?

A: Acknowledge your emotions, but don’t dwell on them. Focus on learning from each experience, celebrate small wins, and build a support system to keep you motivated. Remember, rejection is often a matter of timing or company fit, not a reflection of your worth.

Q: How can I stay motivated when the job search feels overwhelming?

A: Set realistic goals, track your progress, and celebrate milestones. Invest in personal growth through online courses or workshops, and network with other professionals. Surround yourself with positive people who believe in you and remind you of your potential.

Q: How can I manage my work-life balance while actively job hunting?

A: Set clear boundaries between job search time and personal time. Prioritize self-care activities like exercise, healthy eating, and spending time with loved ones. Remember, neglecting your well-being can ultimately hinder your job search efforts.

Q: What if I’m struggling to find relevant job opportunities?

A: Explore alternative search strategies beyond online boards. Reach out to companies directly, utilize your network for referrals, and attend industry events and job fairs. Consider volunteering or contributing to open-source projects to gain experience and showcase your skills.

Q: How can I maintain a positive attitude throughout the job search process?

A: Focus on gratitude for the opportunities you have, celebrate small wins, and remind yourself of your strengths and accomplishments. Stay informed about industry trends, engage in activities you enjoy, and surround yourself with positive and supportive people.

Conclusion: Unveiling Your Dream Job, One Step at a Time

Landing your dream job doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a journey filled with challenges, moments of doubt, and ultimately, triumphant breakthroughs. But by using the right strategies, embracing resilience, and prioritizing your well-being, you can navigate the obstacles with confidence. Remember, you are more than just your resume. You are a unique individual with skills, passions, and the potential to truly shine.

This guide is your roadmap to unlocking your hidden brilliance, showcasing your value to the world, and ultimately landing the job that perfectly aligns with your aspirations. So, take a deep breath, embrace the adventure, and start paving your path towards a fulfilling and successful career. You’ve got this!

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